We went to Maine a month ago, via Gloucester and Rockport, Mass. (which are destinations in themselves). There was something about the boats. And the reflections, and the patterns formed by rows of them- rarely neat and orderly- more often messy and haphazard. Nevertheless, they caught my attention. Here are a few of them.
I also purchased a book while I was there, in a bookstore that sold mostly used books. It was a journal, written about 40 years ago by an artist named Anne Truitt. She wrote about her joys, struggles, and epiphanies in working her art, nurturing her family, facing the public, and finding her voice. She quietly and occasionally reflects on God and her reverence for and trust in Him. It has been a challenging and inspiring read. I am slowly savoring it.
Particularly love the painting on the right - the colors, contrast, bright rough paint/wood and smooth, dark water relecting them. Very nice feel!!!